Introduction to Information Theory

Some of the notes I wrote when I took an information theory course. It contains basic definitions and theorems. It doesn’t get into much details and is sort of an intuitive cheat-sheet. The content aligns with the first few chapters of the book “Elements of Information Theory” by Cover and Thomas, so you can find the proofs there (it is a very well-written and easy-to-read book, I definitely recommend it!)....

July 25, 2022 · 9 min · Saeed Hedayatian

Notes on Stochastic Processes

My handwritten notes/summaries for an undergraduate stochastic processes course that I took in my 8th semester can be found HERE. I examined a lot of books, but I didn’t like the order in which they introduced different topics. These notes are organized in a way that I thought was most intuitive and logical. So if you can read them (and that’s a big if😊) you shouldn’t have any problem following the arguments and the chain of thought....

July 22, 2022 · 1 min · Saeed Hedayatian

Setting Up Hugo with GitHub Pages

This is a straight-forward guide on setting up a simple and beautiful website using Hugo + PaperMod theme and GitHub pages. This is basically what I did to set up this very website! There are two steps. We first install Hugo and create our website locally. Then we use GitHub pages to publish our website on the Internet. Once this is done, changing our website is as simple as a git commit!...

July 21, 2022 · 4 min · Saeed Hedayatian

Hello World

Hello Internet! This is the first bluh. Hopefully there will be many more bluhs in the future. This is some inline math bluh: $F(x) = \int_{-\infty}^x f(t)\mathrm{d} t$. Here is some regular math bluh: $$ \frac{d}{d x} \sin x = \cos x. $$ Sitis timor Lorem markdownum auctor, renovat servanda cognovit fuerat. Unde stant timorem opemque oculos petitur ipse nisi illa cederet; corpore quanta, humum placet postquam, probat si. Valet castos Iovis enim successit patet harum exactum imagine est loquarque in coniuge: lacertis et iussa odoribus veni sonum....

July 21, 2022 · 3 min · Saeed Hedayatian